Course curriculum

Learn how belonging to our community can benefit your philanthropy. We suggest you watch this course on your desktop for maximum benefit.

    1. Module 1: Overview

    2. Module 2: Research

    3. Module 3: Learn

    4. Module 4: Contribute

    5. Module 5: Connect

    6. Module 6: Participate

    7. Module 7: Customize

    8. Module 8: Profile

    9. Module 9: Grant and Report

    10. Module 10: Maximize

About this course

  • Free
  • 10 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Explore the benefits of joining our community

The Stronger Philanthropy Community brings together generous families, creative charity leaders, and others serving the Canadian charitable sector. We connect through an invitation-only app that is available on your smartphone or desktop. Take this free mini-course to discover the benefits and potential for your philanthropy.

Find your pathway forward in the charity jungle

Your Host

Dr. Mark Petersen

CEO, Stronger Philanthropy

Mark Petersen is the CEO of Stronger Philanthropy, a firm dedicated to providing philanthropic management services for Canadian foundations and major donors to facilitate strategic and visionary generosity. Stronger Philanthropy’s seasoned team has overseen $67m in 1,739 grants to Canadian charities being awarded by its clients since 2000. Stronger Philanthropy offers resources and streamlined systems to assist givers in maximizing impact for their generosity. Mark has a BA (History) from University of Waterloo, an MDiv from Tyndale Seminary in Toronto, and a DLd from George Fox University in Portland OR where he focused research on navigating succession within family philanthropy. He and his wife, Karen, now split their time between St Stephen, New Brunswick and Dundas, Ontario.